Book Wise

Are You in a Cult? Red Flags from Amanda Montell’s “Cultish”

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Have you recently found yourself at a company offsite thinking …. Am I about to be indoctrinated into some freaky cult as soon as we circle back from this deep dive thought shower slash mandatory team yoga?

The answer, to quote the title of a super mid rom com starring Ryan Reynolds, is…. Definitely Maybe.

On this episode of Book Wise, host Britt Brewer AKA Dr. Books sheds a light on the cult-like attributes of modern society through the lens of Amanda Montell’s thoroughly enjoyable book, “Cultish: The Language of Fanaticism.” Dr. Books will highlight a few cult-y red flags planted throughout regular, everyday life, such as work, self-help/wellness, and online communities.

Don’t be scared! But do get educated! And remember, if a poor man’s Steve Carrell invites you to a weird upstate compound and simply insists you play volleyball with him at 10pm — just say no!

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Cultish by Amanda Montell delves into how cults, from notorious groups like Jonestown and Scientology to modern phenomena like SoulCycle and social media influencers, use language to exert influence and create powerful communities. Montell argues that the key to understanding cults lies not in the idea of "brainwashing" but in how language creates intense ideologies, loyalty, and us-vs-them mentalities. Through sharp analysis and storytelling, she shows how "cultish" language exists in everyday life, from startups to fitness communities, making us all more susceptible to these persuasive tactics than we may realize.

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